• Innovation English  Innovatie Nederlands

Innovation Challenge

from ideas to successful propositions

What is it

"Proactively involve customers, employees and other stakeholders in developing new products and services!

Co-creation pur sang. "

Good ideas only doesn't provide any additional revenue. Ideas should be elaborated into propositions that can be introduced on the market. And these propositions should be the new gems for your organization. The future cash flow generators. In the innovation challenge, a number of potentially good ideas will be elaborated in a competitive environment into propositions (new products and services) that are of added value to your customers. In 9 rounds, innovators actively work on their propositions, and stakeholders can provide their feedback and investments in the ideas / propositions they value the most. The idea / proposition that has received most investments is the winner and is also the best idea / proposition to be introduced to the market.

What does it solve

The innovation challenge is the most transparent and effective method for developing new products and services together with your stakeholders with the goal of increasing the chance of new successful products and services. An optimal combination of offline methods (workshops, plenary sessions, etc.) and the online community (with serious gaming) create an environment where collaboration, commitment, healthy competition, knowledge sharing, fun, speed and achieving results is crucial. In addition, this innovative approach is more cost-effective than performing all innovation activities offline. Through the use of an online innovation platform, it is possible to involve more stakeholders in the innovation process. 

The innovation challenge is the most transparent and effective method for developing new products and services together with your stakeholders with the objective of increasing the chance of new successful products and services.


The innovation challenge consists of 9 rounds that are fully customizable to your innovation issue. The rounds are structured as follows: Innovation management method

Innovation Community

Innovation community
A complete community is available where users/players can, for example, chat with each other and exchange messages. Your own content management system is available (CMS) in the community, where you have the capability to share information (videos, documents, idea information) with everyone involved.

The community can be open and / or closed. An advanced authorization model managet access to the community. After all, it is most often confidential information.

In a closed community, you determine in advance who has access to the innovation platform. With an open community, you make access available to everyone. In a closed community, your most important stakeholders outside your organisation can still participate.


In the innovation challenge, current theories and models are used to improve the quality of the elaborated ideas/propositions which supports the innovators. These theories and models can be used by innovators. In the innovation platform there is a knowledge base where information about the applied theories can be found, as far as it is not explained in the questions in the community itself.

In addition, there are models available in the innovation platform, for example, to make an industry analysis, business model canvas, lean canvas, value proposition canvas, SWOT with confrontation matrix, personas and customer journeys.

There are many interaction options, such as chat, collaboration, teamwork, comment on content, surveys etc. View more features.
Models within the innovation platform


Some questions that the innovation challenges answers are: 
 What are the customer needs and which idea fulfils those needs?
 What is the best business model and value proposition for the idea?
 Which idea has the most business potential c.q. most promising business case?
 What does the competition?
 What are the risks of the business ideas? 
 Do we have the competences to develop the proposition of the business idea?
 What is a good time to market and what is the market introduction?
 Which idea/proposition are we actually going to deliver?

Innovation management screen


Innofication supports organizations with all aspects related to the innovation challenge which goes far beyond our platform. See our professional services!

Getting started

The innovation challenge can be fully adapted to your innovation issue and your corporate style/brand. The lead time of the innovation challenge is between 3 and 16 weeks depending on your business, innovation issue, available capacity of stakeholders and business urgency.