Innovation and change is collaboration and co-creation.
It is not a one man show or the responsibility of a small team.
It remains people business
Our innovation platform allows you to better adapt to turbulent developments in your business environment and involve your employees and other stakeholders in your ecosystem for innovation and change.
Through active collaboration, knowledge sharing and support in the platform, ideas are quickly elaborated into propositions.
Easy validation of propositions by proactively involving your customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders.
Improve motivation and commitment of employees at every level in the organization. They can all participate in innovation initiatives and their voice is heard!
Encourage entrepreneurship and cooperation at every level in the organization. Fail fast and cheap, move faster. A culture change!
No "hidden calendars". It is clear to everyone why certain choices are made so that everyone stays hooked!
Gaining knowledge, knowledge sharing in an environment has a motivational effect and fun factor. Innovation and change often takes place in addition to the daily work of employees.
Stakeholders within your organization and existing networks (eco systems) are able to provide new ideas and insights for innovation.
In a serious game, selected ideas can be elaborated into propositions in a competition.
Active involvement of stakeholders and cooperation in a transparent environment creates more commitment.
By sharing available knowledge from our content management system / knowledge base and the knowledge and experience of players, insights are improved and professionalism increased.
Our solutions address the need for dynamic organizations that need an entrepreneurial culture where the crowd is aligned.
Our platform is flexible to suit your business needs and offers many applications capabilities.
By changing existing innovation processes, the time to market of new products and / or services can be reduced and the success rate will increase.
Utilizing existing knowledge of employees and knowledge the outside-organization (eg customers) is a source of creativity and successful innovations.
Instant insight and more control over the innovation process and the better propositions. Directly adjust if necessary and not afterwards if business is missing.
The most difficult and critical first customer for
a new product or service is often
your own organization.