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Features innovation platform

Our flexible platform for innovation uses concepts like Ideation, Co-creation, Open Innovation, Social Learning and Serious Gaming. Below are some of our features explained. 
Collect ideas in ideation phase

Flexible - fully customizable to your business challenge

The innovation platform has many capabilities. It can be used for 1/2 day, days, weeks, months or as continuous solution.

Multiple campaigns

Multiple concurrent campaigns/challenges can be active for different business challenges for different groups of players.

"No one size fit all" approach

Most flexibility to set up an environment that leads to the solution of your business challenge!

Activate the crowd

Involving the crowd at an early stage is important to get commitment.

Collect ideas through multiple channels

Through several channels ideas for innovation can be shared. Of course you can share your idea in our application, but also through a website, intranet with customizable standard forms or Twitter. There is an API available to add other channels.

Idea information

Ideas can be extended with document, video's, html content, departments, categories, owners, teams, tags and custom variables and other information.

Open and/or closed communities

The innovation platform can be set up as a closed community where only accepted participants / players can participate. There may also be an open community in which everyone can participate. A combination of open and closed community can also be created where only certain groups have access to, for example, confidential business information. Open innovation often has its restrictions with regard to risk and compliance.

Innovation community

Assessment of ideas

 Crowd sourcing/ideation idea assessment

In the crowd sourcing / ideation phase, many ideas can be available that can be assessed by the crowd in a reliable and easy way.

Feedback from the crowd - Democracy

Players/users in our platform are able to assess ideas of others through likes, written comment and answering multiple choice questions. True democracy.

Smart scoring model - Power of the crowd

A sophisticated scoring model, which is fully customizable according to your business challenge, calculates the best ideas. This is far more advanced and reliable than just betting on only likes or the knowledge of the innovation team (the judge). So the crowd decides!

 Serious game idea assessment

Ideas in the serious game are assessed by investments and feedback.


In each round, players have a budget available to invest in the ideas of an individual or team who have elaborated some questions the best in a round. An investment is therefore an appreciation for an idea / proposition.

Feedback / comment

The investment has only value when it is also supplemented by feedback / comment. This allows the innovator / team to improve the elaboration of their idea(s) / proposition(s).

Assessment of ideas in innovation 
 development process

Innovation collaboration capabilties for c-creation

Collaboration and knowledge sharing

Innovators are able to elaborate ideas individually or in teams in a competition in the community. 


Team members are able to elaborate the questions for an idea and the other players(users) are able to assess the answers by providing feedback/comment. Knowledge sharing and interaction is very important. In addition, the team members also have their own closed collaboration solution (like Slack/Yammer) where they can interact with eachother.

Of course players which don't elaborate ideas are able to give feedback. Players can be everybody within your eco-system.

Team members - Co-creation

Team members can be players within your eco system that have access and rights to your community. Team members can thus be your customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders in your eco system system. Management, but often the idea owner determines the composition of the innovation team for an idea / proposition.

Interaction innovators and players


The group chat is a chat solution where all players can chat with each other. The chats remains available after the chat. So it is easy to ask a question to all players in the community.


Messageboard is an internal messaging solution, basic but even faster and easier to use than e-mail. A copy of messages in messageboard can be sent through e-mail. 

Comment on messages / content

Players can comment on messages / content so that more knowledge sharing and appreciation of content comes available. The moderator determines which messages can be commented.

Chat in innovation platform

Multiple rounds / stages in innovation process

Management of the innovation process

In control while maintaining creativity and motivation

Ensure an optimal balance between fostering creativity, entrepreneurship, culture of collaboration and the hard aspects of achieving progress. An innovation platform must foster innovation and not slow down!

Management van het proces/programma

Unlike a stage-gate process where many comments are put in place, an innovation process is a lot tougher in practice. However, in practice there is always a certain phase where an idea / proposition is. In the innovation platform these phases are called rounds.

The innovation platform has different types of rounds that can managed in your innovation process. For example, there are rounds with a fixed start and end date, fixed lead times, manual rounds, minimum receipt of investments to continue and tailor-made rounds.

Knowledge base

Default knowledge base

The innovation platform has a standard knowledge base with information about innovation, strategy, business models, lean startup etc.

Adding content to knowledge base

The knowledge bank can be expanded by a moderator with additional content. The content may contain html information, videos, files etc.

Innovation knowledge base in innovation platform

Develop and update ideas

Always up to date


You can follow ideas and receive notifications by e-mail and / or Twitter when changes are made. A change may be an investment, feedback or further elaboration of a question by an innovator.

Request feedback from innovator

When an innovator has elaborated or modified a response/answer to a question and has not received any new feedback, there are reports about it, so everyone knows which ideas have changed.

An (impatient) innovator can also easily access the players with one click whose desired feedback is required. These players then receive an automated email with a request for providing feedback.

Research solution

Surveys and polls

The innovation platform has a integrated research solution that can be used for surveys, polls and tests. The survey offers opportunities to study the current innovation process. Where can improvements be made? This can relate to any aspect of the innovation process. So not just a retrospective research, but direct improvements.

In addition, simple polls can be set up, for example, 1 to 2 crucial questions are asked. This is often interesting and can be reported directly to all players!


Also, simple tests can be set up for all players. This is very interesting for educational purposes where players can for example also win investments by completing tests successfully.


The moderator has the ability to show results of surveys, polls and even test to all players in the platform. A transparent environment!

Specific applications

The integrated survey solution also allows other applications, for example, new players answer a few questions before they can innovate in the platform. This is a smart approach to complement the profiles of players, or to force a survey.

Innovation survey results

Public innovation and ideation instruction page

Content Management System

Knowledge pages

Knowledge pages can be created and used everywhere in a campaign. It can also be assigned to the knowledge base.

Public pages

Public pages are also available outside the campaign that allow potentially interested people to be informed.


The content editor can develop news and general messages that are directly available in the players dashboard. In addition, personal messages can also be made for a player with the aim to e.g. motivate a player. These messages can be standard video messages that may contain a fun elements.

Campaign website

Even a public website can be created where, for example, the crowd is made enthusiastic to participate.


Widget are small pieces of code or information that can be easily used in pages. This offers many applications.

Widgets to inform players

For example, the Content Editor (Special Authorized Player) can use a widget to inform players about the top 3 players in the campaign, survey results or the time remaining in one round.

Widgets for dashboard management

Widgets can be used to create one or more dashboards for coaches and management in which relevant information is presented.

Widgets for business insights

We have widgets to create a business dashboard and gain insights in the added value of the innovation platform. What is the payback time of investments? What is the potential revenue of innovations and when are they launched? Etc.
Innovation dashboard managers

Innovation chart with business value

Reporting / transparency

In the innovation platform, there are many reports for both the players / innovators and management.

Reports for players

Innofication aims to be transparent as much as possible by sharing a lot of information with the players. Because of usability, some reports are not available to players.

Reports for management

Management reports usually contain reports with aggregated or just detailed information about ideas and activities.

JSON & XML exports

Real-time information such as ideas, round and player information can be exported in JSON & XML format to other applications and systems.


There are models available that innovators can use to elaborate answers to questions in rounds. The following models are currently available:

Business Model Canvas
Value Proposition Canvas
LEAN Canvas
SWOT and confrontation matrix
Industry analysis, model M. Porter
Customer Journeys
Experiment Canvas

Models are not leading but should support the innovator in elaborating the idea / proposition or concept.

Innovation models online to be used by innovators

Social login to innovation platform

Access platform

Access for everyone

Our platform is accessible to everyone, even for stakeholders outside your organisation and technological infrastructure. It is a social innovation platform with a solution hosted in the cloud.

Any device

Our solution is accessible on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Any time any place.

Quick access, Single Sign On

Access to the platform is usually based on a combination username and password, but we offer also Social Login capability. Via an existing or new Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or Google+ account access can be granted. This is a  low-threshold solution for user to get access. This is very valuable for Open Innovation.


Tangible results

The innovation platform provides tangible results, such as new products, new services, new business models, new strategies, new customer service concepts and business plans.

Intangible results

The less tangible results are at least as important for your organization to be successful . Think of better collaboration and sharing of knowledge, more risk-taking, new insights, enterprising culture and fun.

Through the transparency in the platform, it is clear to everyone why choices are made for new products and services. Commitment is therefore guaranteed.

Align the crowd innovation internal and external through open innovation and co-creation