At the heart of our concept are not only the ideas or propositions, but also all stakeholders from your ecosystem where interaction, learning, knowledge sharing and fun are important aspects.
It is important to, among other things, formulate innovation objectives, but what will you bring to your stakeholders? Why would they participate? What motivates them?
Below a number of parts of our concept are explained. These components can be used separately, but they also form an integral part of our concept.
Overview innovation platform
Ideation / Crowd sourcing
Innovation Management and Serious Gaming
Open Innovation
Innovation Community
Inspiration / Creativity
A solution to get inspiration from a fresh look at existing topics within your own organization by asking critical questions ("what-if") and / or getting inspired how other companies have come to new products, services or radical business models.
This online solution presents inspiring information that can be presented during an offline workshop or used online, so that new ideas can be shared instantly.
The solution can be fully equipped for the subject for which inspiration is desired and can contain all sorts of content, such as html, documents, videos, etc.