• Innovation English  Innovatie Nederlands


Organization have often (too many) different ideas from which it is difficult to choose.
Questions are often:
Which idea has the greatest business potential?
What are the risks of a new business idea?
Does the organization have the right skills?
What is a good time to market?
Does it lead to cannibalization of existing products and services?
What does the competition?


In 10 rounds we will go through a complete process to develop ideas from employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to a proposition which is marketed by the company.

This approach ensures a healthy competition where individuals and / or teams compete against each other for the favors of the stakeholders who can invest in every round in business ideas.

In the ten rounds are business ideas elaborated from different perspectives and assessed. Popular models and methods can be applied by the innovators / players in order to achieve a good value proposition. 

The business idea which has received over all around the most investments is the business idea that has the most support of all stakeholders. It is the proposition which also has the greatest chance of success. 

All players can use the knowledgebase of the platform and share their own knowledge.


 By playing the game in 10 rounds stakeholders are actively involved.
 The Innovation Challenge selects the best or winning business idea that can be deployed by the organization.
 The transparency of the challenge results in more support for the winning business ideas. And this is therefore also the commitment of individuals and teams who participated with not winning business ideas.
 Cooperation. Innovation request or often demands excellent collaboration between different teams and departments. The Innovation Challenge boosts this in an unforced way.
 Because many stakeholders have already participated in the innovation challenge, it is also easier for the organization to set up the project organisation and the innovation process will be faster.


The Innovation Challenge can be fully customized to meet your business needs.